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AI Weather
LIVE DEMO AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. AI Weather allows for natural language queries using Google Gemini's 'functions' capability to infer and analyze real weather data. AI Weather makes weather data more accessible to the masses of businesses that rely on weather insights for smart business.....

AI B2B SaaS that dramatically accelerates energy research, with applications for energy site selection. Leverage energy data (including AI Weather capabilities) to estimate site yields, analyze weather risks, and examine hundreds of factors in a fraction of the time.

AI B2B "Just in Time" training & SME access for solar and wind field workers, such as turbines, solar panel installation, and monitoring systems. TrainJot helps energy technicians respond swiftly and safely to minimize downtime.

AI B2B Smart Device Hub for smarter energy management. Registers your devices, and automate operations using AI and industry data. Supports OTA, intelligent agents and tracking / reporting.

AI B2B SaaS that leverages GenAI to support mental health and recovery clinics. HopeJot makes note taking easier with interactive feedback and formatting for insurance filings. Future versions will examine patterns and provide feedback to clinicians to improve client outcomes. A heavy focus on applying AI in ways that ensure utmost privacy.

AI B2B SaaS for Farm Journals. FarmJot leverages AI Weather capabilities - allowing for farmers to ask natural language questions that analyze and infer (based on LLM understanding of farming) to access meaningful insights..

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